EVENT- Symposium on Book: "Heroic Khakas Epic Poem Khan Mirgen," Ankara, Feb 26
Presentation of a book "The Heroic Khakas Epic Poem Khan Mirgen" at
Ankara University, Faculty of Language, History, and Geography,
Department of Modern Turkic Dialects and Literatures, February 26, 2009
Dear colleagues,
Ankara-based International TURKSOY Organization, created by ministers
of culture of Turkic-speaking countries in 1993 in order to research,
protect and promotion of Turkic arts and culture jointly, together
with the Department of Modern Turkic Dialects and Literatures (DMTDL)
of Ankara University's Faculty of Language, History, and Geography are
honored to invite you to the presentation of a newly translated by
Timur B. Davletov from Khakas into Turkish and published by TURKSOY
book "The Heroic Khakas Epic Poem Khan Mirgen" (XL + 312 pages, ISBN
978-975-7213-28-4, Ankara, 2008, TURKSOY Publications # 31), which
will be held at Ankara University's Farabi Conference Hall on
Thursday, February 26, 2009.
Alongside with presentation there will be held a Seminar on the
following subject:
"Khakas Epic Tradition as a Part of Turkic Epics"
Mrs. F. Sema Barutcu Ozonder, Prof. Dr. (Head of DMTDL, Ankara University)
Mr. Duisen K. Kasseinov, Prof. (Director General of International
TURKSOY Organization)
Mr. Cemal Talug, Prof. Dr. (Rector of Ankara University)
Mrs. Naciye Yildiz, Prof. Dr. (Gazi University, Ankara)
Mrs. Gulsum Killi, PhD. (Ankara University)
Mr. Timur B. Davletov, M.A. (Permanent Representative of Ministry of
Culture of Khakas Republic [Russian Federation] to International
TURKSOY Organization)
In continuation of presentation there a personal painting exhibition
of famous Khakas painter Alexey Ulturgashev "The Shamanic Archaeo-Art"
will be opened and a cocktail will be held.
Day and Date: Thursday, 26 February
Beginning at: 02.00 P.M.
Place: Farabi Conference Hall, Faculty of Language, History, and
Geography, Ankara University, Sihhiye/ANKARA
Admission/Entrance: Free of charge
For more information: +90 (505) 462-03-92 (mobile) or +90 (312) 491-01-00 (pbx)
E-mail: aronxakas@yahoo.com
Briefly on the Khakas Epos "Khan Mirgen":
The "Khan Mirgen" epos [XL + 312 pages, ISBN 978-975-7213-28-4,
Ankara, 2008, TURKSOY Publications # 31] includes a Latin
transliteration of text of epic poem, a short Khakas-Turkish
vocabulary, an index of names of epic heroes together with an
indication their social relationship with each other, summaries in
Turkish and English languages as well as a socio-cultural, historical,
and content analysis of Khakas epic tradition in general and "Khan
Mirgen" epos in particular. An abov-ementioned translation work
performed by Timur B. Davletov from Khakas into Turkish in a such
sense is the first realized project related to Khakas "Khan Mirgen"
epos. Likewise another Khakas epos "Khuban Arygh" [15.587 lines
totally] published by TURKSOY in 2006, "Khan Mirgen" epos up to now
has not been translated from Khakas into any other language, excepting Turkish.
A notice about the Heroic Khakas Epic Poem "Khan Mirgen" was
distributed on January 16, 2009 at 12:15 A.M. through
Central-Eurasia-L - Announcement List for Central Eurasian Studies.
Presentation of a book "The Heroic Khakas Epic Poem Khan Mirgen" at
Ankara University, Faculty of Language, History, and Geography,
Department of Modern Turkic Dialects and Literatures, February 26, 2009
Dear colleagues,
Ankara-based International TURKSOY Organization, created by ministers
of culture of Turkic-speaking countries in 1993 in order to research,
protect and promotion of Turkic arts and culture jointly, together
with the Department of Modern Turkic Dialects and Literatures (DMTDL)
of Ankara University's Faculty of Language, History, and Geography are
honored to invite you to the presentation of a newly translated by
Timur B. Davletov from Khakas into Turkish and published by TURKSOY
book "The Heroic Khakas Epic Poem Khan Mirgen" (XL + 312 pages, ISBN
978-975-7213-28-4, Ankara, 2008, TURKSOY Publications # 31), which
will be held at Ankara University's Farabi Conference Hall on
Thursday, February 26, 2009.
Alongside with presentation there will be held a Seminar on the
following subject:
"Khakas Epic Tradition as a Part of Turkic Epics"
Mrs. F. Sema Barutcu Ozonder, Prof. Dr. (Head of DMTDL, Ankara University)
Mr. Duisen K. Kasseinov, Prof. (Director General of International
TURKSOY Organization)
Mr. Cemal Talug, Prof. Dr. (Rector of Ankara University)
Mrs. Naciye Yildiz, Prof. Dr. (Gazi University, Ankara)
Mrs. Gulsum Killi, PhD. (Ankara University)
Mr. Timur B. Davletov, M.A. (Permanent Representative of Ministry of
Culture of Khakas Republic [Russian Federation] to International
TURKSOY Organization)
In continuation of presentation there a personal painting exhibition
of famous Khakas painter Alexey Ulturgashev "The Shamanic Archaeo-Art"
will be opened and a cocktail will be held.
Day and Date: Thursday, 26 February
Beginning at: 02.00 P.M.
Place: Farabi Conference Hall, Faculty of Language, History, and
Geography, Ankara University, Sihhiye/ANKARA
Admission/Entrance: Free of charge
For more information: +90 (505) 462-03-92 (mobile) or +90 (312) 491-01-00 (pbx)
E-mail: aronxakas@yahoo.com
Briefly on the Khakas Epos "Khan Mirgen":
The "Khan Mirgen" epos [XL + 312 pages, ISBN 978-975-7213-28-4,
Ankara, 2008, TURKSOY Publications # 31] includes a Latin
transliteration of text of epic poem, a short Khakas-Turkish
vocabulary, an index of names of epic heroes together with an
indication their social relationship with each other, summaries in
Turkish and English languages as well as a socio-cultural, historical,
and content analysis of Khakas epic tradition in general and "Khan
Mirgen" epos in particular. An abov-ementioned translation work
performed by Timur B. Davletov from Khakas into Turkish in a such
sense is the first realized project related to Khakas "Khan Mirgen"
epos. Likewise another Khakas epos "Khuban Arygh" [15.587 lines
totally] published by TURKSOY in 2006, "Khan Mirgen" epos up to now
has not been translated from Khakas into any other language, excepting Turkish.
A notice about the Heroic Khakas Epic Poem "Khan Mirgen" was
distributed on January 16, 2009 at 12:15 A.M. through
Central-Eurasia-L - Announcement List for Central Eurasian Studies.